Facial Treatments | OBGYN | Together Women’s Health

Facial Treatments


Forever Young BBL

Forever Young BBL will improve sunspots, age spots, signs of aging, dull complexions, uneven pigmentation, large pores, sun damaged skin, red flushing, rosacea, and broken capillaries.  For as long as women and men have been concerned about aging, there have been promises of younger looking skin. Contrary to popular belief, creams and lotions can’t penetrate the skin’s surface. This means they can’t reach the deeper layers of skin where much of the aging process happens. Now there’s Forever Young BBL  from Sciton, a revolutionary treatment using BBL technology to send light energy deep into the skin to boost your body’s natural ability to fight the appearance of aging. The result? Skin that’s visibly younger looking, year after year! Forever Young BBL is not just for women and men who have experienced sun damage over the course of their life. It also has Prejuvenation benefits keeping young skin looking young.  Forever Young BBL  isn’t just a beauty treatment, it’s a  preventive regimen — possibly the best investment anyone can make in his or her skin now. Everybody can protect themselves against the sun and environmental damage that adds up over time. In fact, the best time to think about the effects of aging is before they appear.  Results Now . See immediate results for pigmented lesions and vascular lesions.  Results Forever . Imagine taking a photo a decade from now and looking better than you do today. It may sound impossible, but that’s what Forever Young BBL can do. It was proven in a 10-year clinical study—one of the longest on record to show the results of a skincare regimen. Most patients received multiple BBL treatments per year for an average of ten years. At the end of the study, doctors judged the patients to appear 11 years younger than their actual age. In other words, they looked younger than when the study began.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are one of the most common, affordable and effective facial skin resurfacing procedures. Chemical peels can help eliminate acne, and reduce the appearance of scarring, fine lines, wrinkles, and pigmentation. Chemical peels improve skin quality, texture, and appearance by activating the normal wound-healing processes that follow skin injury. Chemical peels induce controlled “skin injury” through the application of caustic substances to the skin. At Somerset Gynecology & Obstetrics in Troy, MI we offer a wide array of chemical peel depths that are light (superficial), medium and deep. The depth of chemical peel will depend on the agent used and the application technique. The deeper the peel, the more profound the improvement to the skin. At Somerset Gynecology & Obstetrics in Troy, MI our wide array of chemical peels includes: Trichloroacetic Acid Peels and the acclaimed Jessner’s Peel. These are versatile chemical peels that can treat acne, and acne scarring, fine and coarse wrinkles, scarring, freckles, pigmentation, and more. The skilled physicians and aesthetician at Somerset Gynecology & Obstetrics in Troy, MI will consult with you to customize the type of chemical peel that is right for you!
Light / Superficial Chemical Peels Light (superficial) chemical peels such as salicylic acid, glycolic acid, lactic acid, Jessner solution, and 10% to 25% trichloroacetic acid affect only the epidermis (the outer layer of the skin). The effects of light peels generally consist of skin brightening and evening of skin color and texture. They are indicated for: acne, superficial (epidermal) melasma, freckles, and age spots.
Medium to Deep Chemical Peels Medium to deep chemical peel, such as combination treatment with Jessner solution and 30-35% trichloroacetic acid, injure the skin to the level of the papillary dermis. They are indicated for: sun damage, fine and coarse wrinkles, roughness, freckles and pigmentation changes that occur as a result of prolonged exposure, dermal (deeper) melasma , actinic keratosis, and acne scarring.
Acne & Acne Scar Chemical Peels If you are an adult or a teenager who is suffering from the frustration and embarrassment of acne or acne scars, our skilled aesthetician can customize a chemical peel just for you. We offer a variety of personalized chemical peels that offer dramatic improvement in skin clarity for patients with active acne, and in skin smoothness for patients with acne scarring from previous breakouts.
Salicylic Acid Peels Salicylic acid is a beta hydroxy acid (BHA) which is often used for oily, acne-prone skin. It is used in low doses (up to 2%) in over-the-counter acne treatments. Salicylic acid peels in concentrations of 10-30% are done in doctors’ offices. Because salicylic acid is oil-soluble, these peels penetrate into the pores of the skin and are good at unclogging blocked pores. Because of this they can be useful for treating acne. Those who have an allergy to aspirin must avoid this type of peel.
Glycolic Acid Peels Glycolic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) and is the most widely used peeling agent. Available in clinical-strengths ranging from 20-70%, it is often used for mild sun damage in order to “freshen” the skin, even out skin tone, or improve discoloration. Glycolic acid can also unclog pores & improve acne. The effects of this type of peel depend on the strength and the length of time it is left on. Glycolic acid must be neutralized, usually after 2-4 minutes, making it important to choose a practitioner who is experienced. If the acid is left on too long, side effects are more likely.
Trichloroacetic Acid Peels Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) is a stronger peeling agent than glycolic acid or salicylic acid. 10-30% TCA peels are considered to be superficial peels while those that contain 35-50% TCA are considered to be medium depth peels. They are most often done for sun damage and can improve some fine lines and wrinkles. Medium depth TCA peels may take a week or so to heal (longer if done on areas other than the face).
Combination Peels Combination peels usually utilize two or more active ingredients. There are several commercially available proprietary peels that combine several peeling agents, sometimes including ingredients such as lactic acid, citric acid or mandelic acid. Jessner’s solution is a specific type of combined peel that includes resorcinol, salicylic acid, lactic acid and ethanol. This solution is sometimes combined with TCA for medium depth peeling.

Chemical Peels FAQs


Somerset Gynecology & Obstetrics in Troy, MI is proud to offer dermaplaning for a dramatic difference in your complexion’s clarity, smoothness and “glow”. Dermaplaning is one of the most popular facial skin resurfacing procedures because it is affordable and effective with no downtime. And, because dermaplaning is safe for virtually every skin type and color – including darker skin tones – it an ideal skin resurfacing treatment for men and woman of any age or ethnicity. Dermaplaning involves precision manual exfoliation of the epidermis (top layer of skin) with a clinical-grade scalpel. Removing the dead skin cells reveals the younger skin beneath – and rids the face of excess fine facial hairs (“peach fuzz”) which can accumulate dirt and oil. Additionally, the scraping activity stimulates the body’s natural healing processes and triggers the skin’s cellular regeneration mechanisms. The result is visibly smoother, tighter, more youthful looking skin. As an added benefit, dermaplaning also enables nutritive skincare products to better penetrate into the skin. Dermaplaning is ideal for men and women with dry skin, rough skin texture, uneven skin tone, “ashy” skin, or superficial acne scarring. And because skin cell turnover slows down with age, dermaplaning is also an excellent treatment for removing the build-up of dead skin cells on mature skin. Additionally, dermaplaning is chemical-free – making it is safe for sensitive skin, teens, and even pregnant or lactating clients who cannot have chemical peels! Schedule a dermaplaning treatment at Somerset Gynecology & Obstetrics in Troy, MI and instantly see dramatically clearer, smoother, younger, more glowing skin. Dermaplaning Treats:
  • Uneven Skin Tone Discoloration
  • Fine Lines Rough Skin Texture
  • Dull or Ashy Skin Enlarged Pores
  • Mild Acne Scars

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