Infertility Treatment | OBGYN | Together Women’s Health

Infertility Treatment


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 6% of married women aged 15 to 44 years in the United States are unable to get pregnant after one year of trying. Also, about 12% of women aged 15 to 44 years in the United States have difficulty getting pregnant or carrying a pregnancy to term. These cases of reproductive health issues are defined as infertility.

Somerset Gynecology & Obstetrics is here to help couples struggling to start a family. Our practice offers a full team of physicians, a care environment designed to build long-term relationships, and the latest in surgical and medical care options. Our team, our services, and our tools combine to create a diverse and well-rounded work environment - with you and your family planning goals at the central focus of it all. To discuss your care needs and schedule an appointment, please contact us online or at (248) 816-9200.

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FAQs on Infertility Treatment & Care:

What is the Definition of Infertility?

“Infertility” refers to any health issue that prevents a couple from achieving pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. There are a variety of physical conditions, diseases, and environmental factors that can cause complete or partial infertility in both men and women. Depending on the nature of the issue, some cases of partial infertility can be reversed.

What is an Infertility Examination?

"Infertility exams" include a wide variety of tests that evaluate the reasoning behind a woman (or man's) inability to conceive. These can range in nature from physical exams, to laboratory testing, to imaging testing.

Specific laboratory tests may include a urine test, a progesterone test, thyroid function testing, and ovarian reserve testing.

Specific imaging tests may include an ultrasound (to look for changes in ovarian follicle), a sonohysterography (to look for scarring inside the uterus), a hysterosalpingography (to look for fallopian tube blockages), or a laparoscopy (to view the reproductive system with a small camera).

What are the Medical Causes Infertility?

The most common reason women suffer from infertility is a lack of or an irregular pattern of ovulation. (No egg means no chance to conceive.) Scarring of the reproductive organs, blockages of the fallopian tubes, and medical conditions that cause shifts in reproductive hormones can also cause infertility.

Are There Other Causes of Infertility?

Age affects fertility. In her 20s and 30s, a healthy woman (with a healthy partner) has a 25% - 20% chance of conceiving during a single menstrual cycle. After the age of 37, this chance begins to drop due to aging factors. By the age of 40, the chance of a woman becoming pregnant drops to less than 10% per menstrual cycle.

Additionally, lifestyle factors can affect infertility. These include being underweight, being overweight, exercising too much or too little, and drinking at heavy levels.

When Should I Speak to a Doctor About Infertility?

Women are advised to speak to a doctor about an infertility exam if they meet one or more of the following conditions:

  • You have not become pregnant after a year of unprotected intercourse
  • You are older than 35 years of age and have not conceived after 6 months of unprotected intercourse
  • You are older than 40 years of age and you have not conceived within 6 months of beginning to have unprotected sex
  • You suffer from irregular menstrual cycles
  • You or your partner have been previously diagnosed with a fertility issue

What Will Happen While Working with Doctors to Diagnose Infertility?

When starting to visit with a fertility specialist, you will discuss your medical history and undergo a physical exam. Women should be prepared to answer questions about their menstrual cycle, their current medications, their history of illness and surgeries (particularly those affecting the reproductive organs), their lifestyle (i.e. exercise, diet, alcohol use, etc.), and their sexual history (i.e. methods of birth control, lubrication use, prior relationships, etc.).

Based on this exam and your medical history, your doctor will determine which specific infertility tests may be the most beneficial. This tests may include the imaging or laboratory testing procedures mentioned above.

It is important to note that a full infertility exam may run the length of several menstrual cycles, particularly if hormone level tracking is needed.

What are Treatment Options for Infertility?

Treatment options for infertility depend heavily on the cause of infertility. In general, doctors are likely to advise patients to make lifestyle adjustments to boost their reproductive health. Changes in medication or surgery may also be recommended to address an underlying medical cause of infertility. If needed, doctors can also prescribe medications or lifestyle changes to address unbalanced hormone levels or a lack of ovulation.

What Happens if Nothing Helps?

If treatment does help a couple conceive on their own, assisted reproductive care is an option. This includes in vitro fertilization, or IVF. Should this become a necessary part of your treatment, you will be able to discuss the process in full with your doctor.

Together Women’s Health is here for all of your female health needs. Please note that services may vary across practices and locations.

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